Baan, Guus Substantial inter-antagonistic epimuscular myofascial force transmission occurs within the entire lower leg of the rat
Babič, Jan Human visuo-motor learning for biologically realistic robot motion synthesis
Backus, Sherry Robustness of a wrist joint coordinate system to forearm pronation-suination
Bae, Ji-Yong Biomechanical effect of the collar of the femoral stem on total hip arthroplasty
Baeck, Katrien A study of the influence of zero energy modes and brain material properties on finite element head impact analyses
Bagchi, Amit Computational modeling of brain response to blast pressure wave
Bajkowski, Jerzy Clinical trials of using knee external fixators with adaptable kinematics for functional treatment of periarticular fractures
Bakhshipour, Mohammad Relationship between selected joints and isokinetic parameters with maximum vertical jump height
Ball, Christopher Glen Three dimensional flows in the human upper airway
Baltzopoulos, Vasilios Are adult muscles intrinsically stronger than those of children?
Bandholm, Thomas Approximate entropy based on isometric tremor: reliability and optimal sampling frequency
Baptista, Rafael Electrical stimulation improves knee extensors function and morphology in elderly with knee osteoarthritis
  Knee osteoarthritis changes vastus lateralis muscle architecture and knee extensors mechanical properties in women
Barber, Lee Validation of a freehand 3D ultrasound system for morphological measures of the medial gastrocnemius.
Barclay, Chris The influence of tendon compliance on muscle power output and efficiency
Barla, Charlie Spring behaviour of the foot during impact phase of running
Baron, Bertrand Effect of training machine’s mechanism on the muscular performance
  Mechanisms of exhaustion during intermittent leg extension exercise
Barrett, Rod Margin of stability during balance recovery in young and older adults
  How do age-related changes in neuromuscular and tendinous properties influence balance recovery using the ankle strategy?
  Validation of a freehand 3D ultrasound system for morphological measures of the medial gastrocnemius.
Barrow, Michael Saw cutaccuracy in total knee replacement
Barton, Gabor An electromyographic analysis of horizontal reaching following the transfer of the posterior deltoid in tetraplegics.
Baten, Chris Functionally interpretable local coordinate systems using inertial magnetic sensors
Baten, Chris T.M. Ambulatory 3D analyses of movement in rowing
Batterham, Marijka Rotational laxity in anterior cruciate deficient and reconstructed knees: a prospective randomized control trial comparing single- and double-bundle surgical techniques
Bauer, Fabian Estimation of spinal motion and load for human full-body motion
Baumeister, Jochen Cortical activity during force reproduction after ACL reconstruction
  Influence of different instructions on vertical ground reaction forces during drop landings
Baumgartner, Daniel An experimental shoulder model simulating postoperative physiotherapy for primary stability testing of fracture refixation
Bayios, Ioannis Joint acceleration pattern of the throwing arm in female team handball
Beaugonin, Muriel Virtual anthropometric human models for safety
Beaupre, Gary Effects of quadriceps force variability on patellofemoral cartilage stresses
  Gender and age specific relationships exist between walking and bone density.
Beccard, Ralf Effect of whole-body vibration and igf-i on botulinum toxin a-induced bone degradation
Becher, Jules Reliability of a hand-held instrument for measuring moment about the ankle in children with cerebral palsy
Będziński, Romuald Possibilities to apply free-hand sonography in correction of bone deforimities
  Bone interface delineation based on free-hand sonographic threedimensional data set
Begon, Mickael Active force enhancement following stretch during isometric contractions and subsequent concentric contractions in maximal voluntary knee extensions
  Effect of coupling time on stretch shorten cycle force enhancement for maximal knee extensions on an isovelocity dynamometer
Beldie, Liliana Pressure response analysis in head injury
Belli, Alain Spring behaviour of the foot during impact phase of running
Belvedere, Claudio Spatial mechanisms for kinematic analysis of the knee and ankle joints
  In-vivo kinematics of the three components of a total ankle prosthesis
  Patello-femoral kinematics at the intact and replaced knee: an in-vitro analysis
Ben-hammad, Assia Quantifying voluntary imitation of facial expressions
Benard, Menno Reliability of a hand-held instrument for measuring moment about the ankle in children with cerebral palsy
Bengtsson, Ann-Sophie Reliability of dynamic measurements of strain in the achilles tendon using ultrasonographic speckle tracking
Bentley, Alison Kinematic and electrophysiological assessment of the patellar reflex shows a lack of hyperexcitability in patients with restless legs syndrome compared to healthy controls
Bergamo, Ferdinand Effect of a valgising knee joint orthosis in the therapy of the medial gonarthrosis
Bermejo, Ignacio “In vivo” assessment of a new biomaterial developed in the framework of nanobiocom project.
Bermond, Francois Mechanical properties assessment of child trunk
Berton, Eric Identification of trapeziometacarpal joint stiffness for musculoskeletal modeling of the thumb
Besier, Thor Stretching and warm-up: are they important for achilles tendon injury reduction?
  Effects of quadriceps force variability on patellofemoral cartilage stresses
  EMG-informed computed muscle control for dynamic simulations of movement
  Effect of taping on shoulder kinematics in elite collegiate throwing athletes
Bessho, Sadao Analysis of red blood cell deformation for the development of hemolyis simulator
Biagi, Fabio Knee internal/external rotation measurements by means of skin markers
Bilodeau, Martin Poor back muscle endurance is mediated by pain catastrophizing
Bilston, Lynne Buckling in human muscles at short lengths
Binder-Macleod, Benjamin Experimentally derived musculotendon parameters for the human soleus: fiber length, pennation angle and isometric force
Bini, Rodrigo Patellofemoral joint force during knee extension in open kinetic chain exercise
  Effects of fatigue on EMG and pedal forces during maximal cycling to exhaustion
  Influence of experience and leg preference on mechanical efficiency of cycling
Bjerkefors, Anna Sit-ups revisited with intramuscular EMG
Blackburn, Megan The influence of footwear on the knee joint during gait
Blaha, Pavel Virtual anthropometric human models for safety
Blankevoort, Leendert Recruitment of wrist joint ligaments
  Dynamic vs. quasi-dynamic in-vivo carpal bone kinematics during flexion-extension and radio-ulnar deviation of the wrist
Bliddal, Henning Biomechanical characteristics of the eccentric achilles tendon exercise
  Obese knee osteoarthritis patients reduce their knee joint loads with increasing body mass
  Reduced muscle strength following experimental knee pain
Bloch, Wilhelm Effect of whole-body vibration and igf-i on botulinum toxin a-induced bone degradation
Blum, Yvonne Stiffness estimation in human running
Bobbert, Maarten Isometric torque-angle curves for elbow flexion and extension in the transverse plane
  Effect of plantar flexor fatigue on joint work in vertical squat jumping
Bobbert, Maarten F. Adjustment of muscle activation patterns to initial center of pressure location in squat jumping
Bolli Mota , Carlos Influence of experience and leg preference on mechanical efficiency of cycling
Bonazzi, Bruno Effect of training machine’s mechanism on the muscular performance
Bonnefoy, Alice Kinematic and kinetic comparison of elite and well-trained sprinter during sprint start
Bonnet, Xavier Evaluation of in vivo hip joint center estimation by three methods
Boonpratatong, Amaraporn Biomechanical modelling of human movements: effects of joint constraints and model complexity
  Dynamic finite element analysis of the human foot complex
Borazjani, Ali Cross-species analysis of fetal membrane mechanics
Bosch, Kerstin A 4-year follow-up study of foot loading symmetry in infancy
Botha, Charl Range of motion simulation for diagnosis of femoroacetabular impingement
Bottas, Reijo Impairment in gross sarcolemmal function during high force isometric contractions after eccentric elbow flexor exercise
Boudolos, Konstantinos Emg of elbow flexor-extensor muscles as a function of joint angle in young overhead athletes
  Joint acceleration pattern of the throwing arm in female team handball
  Relations between strength qualities and kinematics of distinct phases of a sprint race
Bousson, Valerie Dynamic properties of bovine cancellous bone: influence of the microstructure
Boutagy, Tony Determination of the optimal antecedent preparation for torque, power, acceleration and work production
  The factor structure of isokinetic torque, work, power; isokinetic fatigue, plyometric power and sprint acceleration
Boyer, Katherine Gender and age specific relationships exist between walking and bone density.
Boymans, Tim Age-related changes in proximal femur morphology and hip implant design
Bradshaw, Elizabeth Anchoring points in normal and fixed vision gait
Brauner, Torsten Ankle frontal plane kinematics determined by goniometer, gyrometer and motion analysis system: a measurement device validation
  A 16-day running intervention did not influence biomechanical running variables
  Pronation velocity values of running shoes are dependent on the mathematical routines applied during data post processing
Brechbühl, Simon Finding a minimal set of markers for center of mass estimation using gravitational fall
Brenzikofer, René The neutral curve of the spine during running
Breuing, Dennis Skin sensation thresholds of the human foot in obese and anorectic patients
Brink, P. Evaluation of daily performance in upper leg amputees using electronically and non-electronically controlled prosthetic knee hinges
Brochard, Sylvain Comparison of the glenohumeral rotation center estimated by functional methods to the anatomical glenohumeral joint center
  Scapular motion: accuracy and reliability of anatomical marker and acromion marker cluster methods
  Evaluation of joint coherence using fusionned data : application to the gleno-humeral joint
Brownell, William Modeling the tether pulling experiment to probe the mechanical and electromechanical properties of cellular membranes
Brueggemann, Gert-Peter Effect of shoe construction on the de-coupling of lower leg muscles
  The relation of frontal plane ankle joint instatbility and sagittal plane kinematics and kinetics in heel toe running
  Adapting dynamic stability control on perturbations during locomotion: effects of reduced plantar cutaneous feedback
  Effect of whole-body vibration and igf-i on botulinum toxin a-induced bone degradation
Brunet , Christian Anthropometric characterization of spleens and kidneys in children
Bruyere, Karine Mechanical properties assessment of child trunk
Buchanan, Thomas Experimentally derived musculotendon parameters for the human soleus: fiber length, pennation angle and isometric force
  An EMG driven musculoskeletal modeling approach for estimating articular loading at the knee
Buckley, Buckley Biologically relevant model of elastic response of tendon in axial tension
Bui Xuan, Viet Mesh generation from biomedical imaging data
Bull, Anthony The effect of digitisation of the elbow epicondyles on quantifying elbow kinematics during cricket bowling
  The response of the acetabulum during loading: a finite element sensitivity study
  A new method to track the scapula during active glenohumeral movements
Burke, David Do darts players use compensation for release timing or maximum hand speed?
Burkett, Brendan An analysis of swimming relay change-overs at the 2008 Beijing games - what factors influence a gold medal performance?
Burkhart, Timothy Does leg or body tissue mass composition affect tibial acceleration responses following impact?
  The effect of muscle activation level on wrist and elbow acceleration response following simulated forward falls
  The accuracy of verbally reported peak dynamic hand forces as inputs into biomechanical spine models
Burnett, David The effect of total knee arthroplasty on biomechanical asymmetry and knee strength in subjects with and without back pain